* Celebrating 14 years of supporting small businesses through vendor events!
Gilbert, AZ 2024 Event Schedule
All Arizona Street Fairs will be outdoors in the Streets of SanTan Village Shopping Center.
Gilbert, AZ
10:00am to 5:30pm - *Vendor Setup starts at 8:00 am
Like our Facebook page to be the first to know when vendor applications will be available for download on our website.
You can LIKE our Facebook page to find out when applications are available.
***We go with first come, first served for each franchise/direct sales company. If there is a tie (i.e. we get multiple applications the same day from representatives from the same company), we go with the highest sponsorship level first, then the vendor that has most recently done business with us. If it is still a tie, we use a random picking program online to pick the vendor that gets to participate. And hold others as back-ups.